
For remote locations, Heli Portable and On & Offshore Locations where there are space or weight restrictions

Steam Generator Make Babcock, Wanson
Type Tubular coil, forced circulation
Burner: Two stage, modulating
Maximum Steam Output kg/hour
600 1200
Maximum Heat Output MBTU/hour
1.75 3.3
Fuel Consumption
40 80
Electrical Power Requirements (KWatt)
2.75 5.5
Standard Working Pressure 4-6 Barg.
Maximum Working Pressure 7 Barg.
Electrical Requirements 380 – 480 V, 3 phase, 50/60 Cycles
Multiple input Transformer Input 380-415-440-460-480V 3 Ph, 60 Cy
Cabling BS6883, Braided Ships Cable
Container Type 10′ Container to EN12079 / DNV 2.7-1
Size 3000 x 2450 x 2700mm High
Empty Weight < 4000 kg
Full Weight Approx 5000kg
Outlet Connection 1-1 1/2 ” Weco fig 200 Male
Standard Safety Devices Flame Failure by Flame Sensor
Maximum Pressure Pressostat set at 7 Barg
Safety Valve Set at 7 Barg.
Maximum Steam Temperature at 175 ° C
Maximum Exhaust Temperature set at 375 &deg C
Certification Bureau Veritas / DNV

The unit contains a water tank, diesel tank, chemical closing unit and water softener inside the container.

Size 1 – 1 1/2″ in 10 and 20 Mtr lengths.
Maximum working Pressure 10 Barg
Coupling Fig 200
Coding BS5342 Type 2A